Activity 1:get a new morning routine going .....
Things that make the morning interesting ...
- the hot water setting here is scolding, really it is sooooo hot that you can't touch the tap with bare hands nor do you need the tap turned on more than a titch and still it is almost too much
- My iron is one those old school ones that works on heat and weight, no steam !!! tres old school.
- my flat was designed by a man ... no plugs in the bathroom and none where the iron cord actually reaches while ironing at the point of the board.
- There was a tonne of dust in the air all day today... think thick smog ...
- The coffee at my hotel is yummy!!!!!
I am working out by the Abu Dhabi airport in the area that will be Masdar City. so it is about a 45min drive without any traffic. I asked why I don't just stay in Abu Dhabi vs commuting. The reason .... AbuD is apparently much more expensive and b/c the city is on an island with two roads in and out, it takes about 45mins to drive into town?? Who knew. So it is just easier and less expensive to stay in Dubai.
interesting tidbits i learned today:
- to fill a gas tank of a ford focus is about 50 dirham (sp?) or about 17.50$ canadian
- To rent a really nice two bedroom flat is about 2000$canadian a month CORRECTION that is $4k per month or 120,000 dirham per year .. yeah you hand over one check a year here ... although that is changing now with the poor economy.
Loving the blogging, babe! Keep it coming!