Monday, September 21, 2009

day 1 - arrival

I have arrived in Dubai.

When I landed in Dubai, I had a flash back to the last 12hour flight I had taken alone to a new country. It made me wonder what I would find at the end of the jet way. Would it be the sensory overload that is typical of your first minutes, hours and days in Delhi? In fact, it was the complete opposite, with an almost lack of overt sensory input. Everything is very calm. Lighting was all low, there were no loud noises, there were no ques. Even the highway, in the dark night sky, everything ranged from beige through shades of green to grey to black. Colour, were rare splashes, few and far between.

I landed in Abu Dhabi at about 7;30pm. After the required stop at the duty free liquor store (vodka is now in my freezer) and collecting my luggage, I rolled out of the controlled area only to be greeted by the low key friends, family and drivers waiting for their people. There was a starbucks right there. Most people were sitting there having a coffee and waiting. After finding the car service and helping the driver to understand where we were going, we were on a way.

I could not see much from the highway. I was struck by all the mosques. I think that was because each had green lights in their towers/spires (I need to find the right term for that). From the highway going at 100km +/hr, I was struck by how similar they all looked, and wondered if that what all our churches look like to new comers?

The other thing that struck me on the highway was the gas stations. They were BIG and really really busy. Like it was the place to be. saddly they do not post the price like at home. i was trying to see what a litre goes for here... any guesses??

As we came into Dubai, I was struck by all the high-rises. They are all really different. It is like a high-rise architects play land here.

My hotel is in a newly developing area, so think construction everywhere. There is nowhere to walk to at all here. So taxi’s and cars will be my way.

I can see the big fancy “sail” hotel from my room.

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